Friday, November 29, 2013

Unifying the Faith: The Way in which Scriptures are Viewed is Most Likely the Reason Why There is No Unity Amongst Christians.

Hello readers, I simply thought that a post on this blog's sister blog, Unifying the Faith, was very important; therefore, I shared the link below. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy reading it...blessings!

Unifying the Faith: The Way in which Scriptures are Viewed is Most Likely the Reason Why There is No Unity Amongst Christians.

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Response to the History Channel’s “Bible Secrets Revealed” | Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy

Hello readers,

I simply wanted to share the link to the Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy blog because I enjoyed reading the response which they gave to the November 13, 2013 program that aired on the History Channel as a new series titled: Bible Secrets Revealed. I really enjoyed reading the response, and I felt that you would as well since after all this is a blog on apologetics, and I am still defending our Faith on here. The link is below. I hope you enjoy reading it. Blessings!


A Response to the History Channel’s “Bible Secrets Revealed” | Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Happy Birthday To You

Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To Dear, Arango's Apologetics Page
Happy Birthday To You.........

Today marks five years since the birth of this blog. I definitely enjoy writing on here about things that are on my mind with relevance to theology. I hope you enjoy reading it, and I will continue writing on here as often as possible. Feel free to comment on any post whenever you like, and also you are welcome to become a follower if you like, although that is entirely up to you. I hope everyone has a blessed remainder of 2013 and also 2014.