Friday, August 26, 2016

Low Church, High Church!

"Evangelical Protestants sometimes become offended when they hear that they are from a "low church" tradition. Indeed, in some cases those from more liturgical traditions use that term in a pejorative way to mean "less sophisticated" or "uneducated."  But then, Protestant Evangelicals are not beyond throwing around the term "high church" to mean "less spiritual than we."  The fact is, neither term in itself carries any of those negative connotations ("

The preceding lines are an excerpt from an article by Dennis Bratcher titled: "Low Church" and "High Church." Either of the terms basically describes a type of worship, and are not intended to imply a social status, per se. Anyhow, I just thought it was a fantastic article, and I simply wanted to share it with everyone. Please follow the link below for the full article.

The Difference Between Low Church and High Church
