Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dogs in the Bible

What does the Bible say about dogs? What roles did they play in the New Testament?

The foregoing questions are answered by Megan Sauter in an article published on Biblical Archaeology Society. It has been a while since I have posted anything about pets; consequently, I am sharing this, so I hope you enjoy reading. The following is an excerpt from it.

"Throughout the ancient Near East and Mediterranean, domesticated dogs served as companions, hunting dogs, sheep dogs, and guard dogs. Dogs filled similar roles in the Bible (e.g., Job 30:1; Isaiah 56:10–11). Although dogs sometimes appear in negative contexts in the Bible, such as in insults, they are not listed as ritually “unclean” animals. Strong clarifies that at least by the second century B.C.E., Jews viewed dogs positively ("

Read the full article at the link below.

What Does the Bible Say About Dogs? - Biblical Archaeology Society
