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Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy 2012 and Prayer Requests

I just want to wish everyone a very happy new year! I truly hope that 2012 is pleasant or at least tolerable for everyone. I know that life can be very diverse all over this planet. Many times much economic disparity exists depending on the region one lives. Many times we can also be very well off financially, but we may have other needs that are perhaps emotional or spiritual. Sometimes we are well in many areas of our lives, but we are not well physically. Sometimes we are well, but we have friends or relatives that have special needs relevant to some of the things I just mentioned. For some reason, I wanted to start a prayer request posting for this year. So, if there is something you may want to pray about feel free to write me or just post a comment on the blog, and I will try to tell most of my friends to lift us all up in prayers this year. If for some reason you do not want to post a comment, you can also email me at the following address: Once again, I wish for everyone to have a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2012. May God bless everyone!