In Western Christianity Christmas is normally celebrated on
December 25th, but I am sure everyone nowadays has heard stories
that claim that Jesus couldn't have possibly been born on that day or was he?
Well, was he really born on December 25th? Honestly, the oldest
Gospel which is Mark’s Gospel does not contain a Nativity story as Mathew and
Luke. St. Paul does not really speak or say anything about Christmas or about
celebrating it in his writings. Moreover, the only thing that is documented in Scriptures or
the New Testament canon that was celebrated was the Eucharist or Communion. So,
why is Christmas celebrated and why on December 25th? If you really
want to know the answer to this question than I highly recommend that you read
a Bible History Daily article written by Andrew McGowan from the Biblical
Archaeology Society which is titled: How December 25 Became Christmas. I greatly
enjoyed reading this well researched article that brings new light and detail
as to why Christmas is celebrated on this day. I hope you enjoy and are
enlightened by what you read. Merry Christmas and the link to the article is
How December 25 Became Christmas – Biblical Archaeology Society