Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well. October has
been a busy month for me. I really haven’t had much time to post or think about
anything I wanted to share. I did, however, just read an article in the
Christian Science Monitor that is relevant to apologetics, and thought I would
share with you the readers. The article is titled: Why a former atheist professor now believes faith is for smart people.
The article is about Holly Ordway. Her new book is: Not God's Type: An Atheist Academic Lays Down Her Arms. In the book
she explains why she believes that atheists are not smarter than Christians,
but this is simply what the article says, and I have yet to read the book.
However, since I know the Christian Science Monitor has some of the highest
standards in journalism, I trust what they say with the utmost credibility.
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the article, and I think that perhaps we should all
get a copy of Holly’s book. Blessings and I hope you enjoy reading! The link to
the article is below.
Why a former atheist professor now believes faith is for smart people