I hope that all are having a wonderful summer. This month I
have been a bit preoccupied with a few things to the extent that I almost felt
like taking a hiatus, even though I usually only post about one or two articles
monthly. Some might call this having too much on the plate. But, there is
really no need to always post something of my own when there is so much written
material out there that one can share, especially on the internet these days.
Of course, there was a time that there was no internet, and people read books,
magazines, and newspapers. I am sure that there are some younger folks out
there that can’t remember that far back, but trust me it is a true story…lol.
Actually, if we go back a few thousand years in our civilization, there was a
time in which we had not developed writing, and this is what this post is
In this post I am sharing an article from the Biblical Archeology
Society. A brief excerpt from the article is below:
"Reading and writing are
integral parts of our everyday lives, but this was not true for everyone in the
Biblical era. How did the alphabet develop in the Holy Land, and who could read
it (https://members.bib-arch.org)?"
Read the full article on articles with relevance at the link
below. Blessings!
Writing and Literacy in the Biblical World · The BAS Library