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Friday, August 20, 2021

A video on Biblical Archeology

I ran across this very informative video on YouTube at ReligionForBreakfast. A description of their site is as follows:

An educational channel dedicated to the academic, nonsectarian study of religion. We promote improving the public's religious literacy by exploring humanity's beliefs and rituals through an anthropological, sociological, and archaeological lens.

Religion for Breakfast does not endorse any particular religious tradition or non-religious perspective. Please be respectful in the comments!

The host, Dr. Andrew M. Henry, is a scholar of religious studies. His research focus is early Christianity and late Roman religion and earned his PhD at Boston University. Follow him on Twitter @andrewmarkhenry.

These videos are freely available here on YouTube. If you are an instructor, feel free to use the YouTube link to my videos in your syllabi and classrooms. I do not permit downloading my videos and re-uploading them to a separate site or channel. This is called freebooting, and it violates Religion for Breakfast's copyright.

Anyhow the video is titled Introduction to Biblical Archaeology. Hope you enjoy watching.