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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Why is Ravi Zacharias' organization seemingly out of the apologetics business?

A recent article in Christianity Today by Daniel Silliman was titled: RZIM Will No Longer Do Apologetics. A portion of the article read as follows:

CEO Sarah Davis announced to staff Wednesday morning that over the next six months, the downsized ministry will remake itself as a grant-making charity. It plans to give money to organizations fulfilling its original purpose of defending the truth of the gospel as well as organizations that care for victims of sexual abuse.

Obviously, it is a huge announcement when an organization stops doing what it does.

RZIM has published the following: Open Letter from the International Board of Directors of RZIM on the Investigation of Ravi Zacharias at the following link:

The following is an excerpt from the aforementioned.

The findings of this investigation and their public release will be devastating to Ravi’s wife, son, and daughters, and to his entire family. Our hearts are broken for them, and we grieve with the weight of being part of this unimaginable pain. We pray for the Zacharias family and mourn with them in this time of severe loss. It is our hope that they will receive the healing and restoration that God alone can provide. 

To close, in case you didn't know, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news to anyone who has supported RZIM in the past. I don't judge, but I do send prayers for the victims, as well as the perpetrator and his family. Blessings!




Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy 2022!

 Happy New Year and blessings to all!