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Sunday, February 5, 2023

Current Evangelical Churches

Many evangelical churches, or at least most of the ones I've been in and attended, or visited over decades, are basically local family businesses in which the family inherits the business. Many congregants do not seem to view that this is nepotism, and a big deal. If one visits any of these local churches for the first time, what happens is that perhaps one notices that a lot of them are either labeled non-denominational or interdenominational, but that's not always the case. Non-denominational is almost the opposite of interdenominational since one implies having more than one denomination, and the other means not having an affiliation with any denomination, or simply none. However, and strangely, when one enters either of them these days on an initial visit, it may feel or seem as if there is no difference in liturgy or worship style. It's as if the labels don't represent anything. One thing is for certain, and it is that there are many of them all around this land.

All-around there are evangelical churches. Some are small and some are large. In fact, some are such huge congregations that they are called “megachurches.” One of the biggest would probably be that church in Houston, Texas. The nepotism statement I made seems to apply without out any doubt in its case. The church was started by his father, and when he passed away, the son became senior pastor. They do employ many people seemingly, but the ones who make big decisions, I am convinced, are the family members, regardless of advice from others. I am simply saying this is how it is.

The thing is that if congregants know this fact and don't have any objection because they feel the church enhances the spiritual life of people, including their own personally, one may as well let it be. I am sure that sooner or later, if they disagree with this system, they will move on. This is simply how many of these types of churches run the business. Congregants may as well deal with it, unless they perhaps decide to switch to a specific denominational church, which may end up being a huge change to what they are normally accustomed, if they have never attended such a church. Blessings!