Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Yet another Post on the Shroud of Turin

I have done other posts on the Shroud of Turin, and I am almost convinced that the Shroud is indeed authentic, but I cannot prove it. One thing that is certain is that most of the evidence seems to lead in the direction of authenticity.  An article written by Shafer Parker Jr. that is titled: Science Shines New Light on Shroud of Turin’s Age states the following:

"Giulio Fanti, professor of mechanical and thermal measurement at the University of Padua’s Engineering Faculty, and journalist Saverio Gaeta, states that by measuring the degradation of cellulose in linen fibers from the shroud, two separate approaches show the cloth is at least 2,000 years old (www.ncregister.com)."

To read more, please follow the link below.

Science Shines New Light on Shroud of Turin’s Age | Daily News | NCRegister.com

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