Sunday, February 16, 2014

Was the Image on the Shroud Really Caused by an Earthquake?

I have done at least a couple of posts on the Shroud of Turin because the subject seems to fascinate me. Moreover, if ever there was a discovery that proved once and for all that it is authentic than it would make the burial cloth the ultimate source for Christian apologetics, perhaps. The truth is that no one to date has been able to prove that it is or that it isn't the authentic burial cloth; however, it is possible that the questions being asked about it are the wrong ones, but that may be best discussed at another time. On this post I simply want to share an article written by someone else.

I always enjoy reading the latest discoveries or articles about the Shroud of Turin, and very recently I read one that I would like to share with you the readers. The article in reference was written for livescience by Megan Gannon, News Editor. The article is titled: Shroud of Turin: Could Ancient Earthquake Explain Face of Jesus? The article is about a new study of the shroud, but I will not go into many details because I will leave that up to you as you read. An initial claim about this study, according to the article is as the following: “Now, a study claims neutron emissions from an ancient earthquake that rocked Jerusalem could have created the iconic image, as well as messed up the radiocarbon levels that later suggested the shroud was a medieval forgery. But other scientists say this newly proposed premise leaves some major questions unanswered.” Now, what are these unanswered questions? Well, Christopher Ramsey, the director of the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit asks:

"...why the material here is affected, but other archaeological and geological material in the ground is not," Ramsey wrote in an email. "There are huge numbers of radiocarbon dates from the region for much older archaeological material, which certainly don't show this type of intense in-situ radiocarbon production (and they would be much more sensitive to any such effects)."

Indeed, this is a great question because why would neutron emissions only happen on the burial cloth and not on other archaeological artifacts from the same time period. But, I have questions I would ask as an apologetist that maybe science is overlooking.

What question would I ask? Well, the biggest phenomenon with relevance to Jesus was not that he died or was crucified because that is pretty much accepted by almost all historians. However, the reason for Christianity existing is not that Jesus died, it is that he resurrected. Now, how often do we have people that die and come back to life three days later and furthermore, ascend into heaven 40 or 50 days later which is more or less documented by Luke in his Gospel and in the Book of Acts? So, the question I would be asking is what happens during a resurrection like the one attributed to Jesus? I know that I have heard some scientists that are believers say that an Event Horizon took place inside that burial cloth and that is why this image cannot even be reproduced today with even the technology we have. Maybe science should start questioning what takes place during a resurrection…just saying. Anyhow, that is enough of me ranting, and let me share the article with you. The link to the article in reference is below and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did. Blessings!

Shroud of Turin: Could Ancient Earthquake Explain Face of Jesus? | LiveScience


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