Saturday, April 23, 2016

Happy Passover to All!

Happy Passover to All! I bet some are wondering why this year Easter and Passover were almost a month apart which doesn’t seem to make sense if we know a little about how both holidays are intertwined. Well, Vicki Hyman wrote about it in an article for She explained:

"The start of Passover, which celebrates the Israelite exodus from Egypt, falls on the same day of the Jewish calendar every year — the eve of the 14th of Nissan — but because Jews use a lunar calendar, they must insert a so-called "leap month" every two or three years to keep their holiday cycles in tune with the seasons. This year, there are two months of Adar, the month that precedes Nissan ("

The full article is found at the link below:

Why is Easter so early and why is Passover so late this year? |


1 comment:

  1. Of course, if one is Eastern Orthodox, Holy Week would be starting this coming week. Just a quick note!
