“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”
I suppose most people have heard the story of Noah and the Ark, and the Flood.
How big was the ark?
According to Dr. Max D. Younce, who says by his calculations from Genesis 6:15 that the ark was 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet deep. He says this is equivalent to "522 standard stock cars or 8 freight trains of 65 cars each." By some divine calculation he figures that all the insect species and the worms could fit in 21 box cars (http://wiki.answers.com).
No divine calculations needed. The measurements are based on the cubit and there is some discussion over which cubit Noah used. The shortest ancient cubit was 445 millimetres which gives an ark of 433 feet. The longer Royal Cubit (the longest known ancient cubit) at 524 mm would give an ark of 488 feet (http://wiki.answers.com).
So, the Ark was big, 522 box cars big!
Where did the Ark land?
Genesis 8:4 says:
“And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.”
So, the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat!
Below are some photos from Ararat:

Satellite image of 'Ararat Anomaly,' taken by DigitalGlobe's QuickBird Satellite in 2003 and now made public for the first time (courtesy: DigitalGlobe)
The location of the anomaly on the northwest corner of Mt. Ararat in eastern Turkey has been under investigation from afar by ark hunters for years, but it has remained unexplored, with the government of Turkey not granting any scientific expedition permission to explore on site.

An image from the June 19, 1949 U.S. Air Force Mission that captured a panoramic
view of what is simply called "the Ararat Anomaly".

Ikonos captured this image of the alleged site of Noah's Ark on August 6, 2000.
The annotation show's how this find differs from the anomaly captured in 1949.
I just wanted to talk about this subject a little bit, and I hope I got you thinking about it. What do you think about the whole thing?
I posted this article more than three years ago, and so far no one has ever made a comment on it, although it is one of the most read by the readers. After three years, I am posting a related story on here. I wanted to share an article that that is relevant to this post. The article is titled: Noah's Ark Prototype Was Round, 4,000 Year Old Tablet Suggests. It was written for AP by Jill Lawless. The link to the article is below. I hope you enjoy reading it. Blessings!
Here is more information from Biblical Archaeology Society.
"The Animals Went in Two by Two, According to Babylonian Ark Tablet"
"Recently translated Old Babylonian flood tablet describes how to build a circular ark."
Here is another related article.
well I enjoyed reading it very much, I think the government doesn't want anyone in cause then the whole world would have to admit yes there REALLY is GOD and then a lot of people would be crying cause they know the truth now and it will hurt some for sure, the way the world is now a days, one would think...WE NEED GOD more than ever right now!! I feel bad for the people that don't believe..
According to Wikipedia, "the Genesis flood narrative is a flood mythfound in the Tanakh (chapters 6–9 in the Book of Genesis)."
Also, according to Wikipedia, "A flood myth or deluge myth is a narrative in which a great flood, usually sent by a deity or deities, destroys civilization, often in an act of divine retribution."
My personal thoughts, Wikipedia must have had staff on site thousands of years ago (or however long ago) that witnessed the event to determine, no it didn't happen. Anyhow, I think Wikipedia needs to update some things. Just saying! I know, it's the deity part that makes the myth...lol. Good luck proving it! Lol.
This article from Smithsonian below seems to support a flood.
Strange isn't it???
You can't get anyone else yo talk about it and Turkey won't allow anyone to test their suspicions.
How do we know God didn't give Noah plans to build an ark that was bigger on the inside than the outside, with sophisticated life support systems for the various animals? After all, the potential for all the technology we have today was already contained in the raw materials God provided us with.
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