“A January 20, 2005 article in the scholarly, peer-reviewed scientific journal Thermochimica Acta (Volume 425, pages 189-194, by Raymond N. Rogers, Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of California) makes it perfectly clear: the carbon 14 dating sample cut from the Shroud in 1988 was not valid. In fact, the Shroud is much older than the carbon 14 tests suggested (http://www.shroudstory.com/).”
Below is an image of Christ Pantocrator, an icon at St. Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai, and it is said to date back to the year 550. Is it possible that the Pantocrator painting may have been based on the image from the Shroud?

Hi Mo, You are right. The fabric they took for dating was from the repaired part of the Shroud.
If you look both of the eyes on the original image (on shroud) were closed..love the blog!
Is probably copied! There are other pictures of Jesus dating back to the third and 4th century and they look different but the one I saw from the forth century looks similar!
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