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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Millennials and Spirituality

I have been very busy this month of October, and I haven't really had any time to post anything on here: however, I do not like for an entire month to go by without posting at least one thing. So, I want to share an article I ran across which was also written this month which I feel goes well with the main theme on this blog. The article is written for USA TODAY by Dana Sand, a student at Emory University, and it is titled: What do Millennials really seek from religion? The article is very well written, scientific, and informative. In the brief writing piece, Dana said that a “Study found that those who maintain their religion in college were twice as likely to have a close personal friendship with an adult inside the church (”  Moreover, the study said: “those who maintain their religion in college were twice as likely to have a close personal friendship with an adult inside the church, and 90% of those who left never had a church mentor(” In the article, Peter Salim, a student at Carnegie Mellon, is quoted saying that "Christianity is a community-based faith, so fellowship is definitely key in keeping it alive."

In closing, I think that I agree with Peter Salim, Christianity is greatly about fellowship, and that has not changed since the beginnings of the Early Church which is documented in the Book of Acts by Luke. Acts 2:42, reads: "They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers (NRSVA)."Well, I hope you have enjoyed reading this post, and God willing I will have more to share next month which will be the 5th anniversary of this blog. Oh, by the way, the link to the article by Dana Sand is below, I hope you enjoy reading it.

What do Millennials really seek from religion?


New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Bible

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