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Saturday, October 12, 2019

880 Years Later

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. Happy Fall to all of you who get to experience the season in the northern hemisphere currently. About three years ago, I wrote an article titled: 877 Years. I have an article on the sibling blog, Unifying the Faith titled: Reexamining the Papacy. Why did I begin this post by stating the foregoing? Well, if you read either of those two posts, I mention the age-old requirement to be celibate for Roman Catholic priests in both. In 877 Years, I explain how this was not an original practice of the Western Church or the Church, and some of the reasons why it was perhaps introduced. In Reexamining the Papacy, I cover many areas relevant to the papacy, and in it I mention that perhaps it is time to end the practice. Well, guess what happened earlier this week?

“Pope Francis urged South American bishops gathered at the Vatican on Monday to "speak with courage" as they address a severe priest shortage in remote areas of the region that could result in the church dropping celibacy requirements for some priests (”

Pope Francis is considering dropping the celibacy requirements for some priests. I suppose it is a start, even if it is because of regional shortages. Do you think Pope Francis reads my two blogs? I don’t know, but the fact that the topic is being raised seems to be a step forward. Read the full article from which I used the relevant excerpt below at the USA Today link below.

Pope Francis celibacy: Requirement for some priests may be waived


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