I hope everyone is doing well. This post will be brief. It
is based on some things I have been dwelling on recently. Mainly, some things
Jesus is credited for saying in Scriptures that may seem contradictory. I don’t
claim to understand what he meant fully, but I also do not think he did not
make any sense. I am not going to provide entire verses; however, I will give
the citation to allow all to verify. Anyhow, here we go.
Possibly Jesus said, “if anyone strikes you on the right
cheek, turn the other also” He also said, “walk a second mile if someone
asks you to walk one.” Hence: he never said to walk three miles. See Matthew
Supposedly, Jesus said “one who has no sword must sell
his cloak and buy one.” Basically, one needs to have a sword and can’t afford
to be without one. Obviously, he didn't seem to believe in not defending
oneself. Consequently, this seems to contrast the cheek turning thing a bit, if
things escalated perhaps. See Luke 22:36.
Lastly, Jesus said, “be
wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” I think this one is self-explanatory…don’t
be fools, but also don’t be an arrogant a**hole. See Matthew 10:16.
In closing, I think all-around, Jesus was more about having
balance. If we focus on one area of his teachings but neglect another, we get
out of balance. Therefore, we should focus on all instead of one thing.
Matthew 5:39
Luke 22: 36
Matthew 10:16
Jesus went on to say in that passage when questioned that two swords was "enough."
No need to stockpile.
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